Sunday, May 10, 2020


                                      PART 1 

It happened Aeons of years ago when Agan, the shinning one, coveted the ultimate power. And conceived the most devious plan any creature could conceive against his creator. The very Throne of  Haddonai. High up in the Heavens of Heavens. The place of unfathomable Light.  Agan has used every moment he had from the day he conceived his plan strategizing on how he was going to implement his plan.

One of his best strategy was to begin to sow strange seeds in the Realms. First among his fellows, then among Haddonai's lovers. Those Tiny, fragile jewels of His. He called them humans. I will turn then into humanoids! My puppets. How I hate them! He said to himself. Who Agan? Mighty one you have been in very dark spirits for times and times now. What may be bothering you so, mighty one? Zolon, I am tired of it all...Of what Agan? I am lost? Forget it Zolon, ageless one. I will tell you, in our next times together. I must leave now. Zolon stood staring after the giant awesome image of Agan..realizing for the first time that the rumors may be true. Agan has corrupted himself and is planning something huge. Something that would change the entire Order. Atleast until Haddonai, decides to stop him. Many of the Lighted ones are confused.

Flexing his massive wings, Zolon flew away to his post. He belongs to the Legion of the Marggits. With eyes all over their wings. Yet that was their beauty. In that instant, Zolon knew where his loyalty lies. As one of the great seers, he is witnessing the formation of a very terrible darkness threatening to consume the whole Order and the realms. Oh Everlasting to Everlasting, Great Shaddia (Using his favorite Name for Haddonai) Please save him! 

Immediately he heard the Resonance of the Voice of Shaddai, there is no redemption for any Star who decide to leave his place. Agan, my son, My beautiful Star, the bright one, the one to whom I entrusted the secrets, his beauty, his wisdom, his power, has become corrupted. He must follow his path till the end. And it is going to be a very long road. But I will not stop him. My creation will learn to follow me on their own. He has already corrupted Zunnai, Pulel, Erinal and many others..See to it that you remain standing...

As always, Haddonai is in all things, and in all palces. OmniComplex in Place, Time and Wisdom...Zolon felt a strange shiver as he dwelt on these things. Dark days are ahead for all the realms....

With wings flexed, colours radiating unusal radiance, Eyes shinning like a million stars, Hair the color Luna Blue, falling upon the golden floor, Agan bowed before the Throne of Haddonai, Hidden behind  Unfathomable Radiance, Flowing towards all the realms, Haddonai watched Agan, saw the beauty that has been corrupted by the cravings of Power. They have always felt that they had no say in anything. Yet the moment Agan discovered his gift, he decided to unseat Me! Shaddai watched the horrific transformation in Agan with the pain of a father who have lost a special child. Yet as painful as it is, He must allow Agan to follow his own path. Otherwise, he contamination will …..

Completely oblivious to the fact that he was being assessed, Agan carried out his routine motion of worship of Shaddai. But this time, with his whole being emanating darkness. He has lost his light. This will be his last act of pretence. 

Agan! Oh Agan! The voice of Haddonai broke through into his thoughts. And at the sound of that Awesome voice, still full of so much love, Agan fled the Presence of Shaddai. It was too much for him.Agan expected something else, He knew in that instant, that he was doomed. Shaddai’s greatest weapon has destroyed Agan even before he faced Shaddai in battle. Completely ignorant of the fact that shaddai will not face him. His own fellow Star brother Michialo will.

Being a member of the Legion of the powerful Zittite, he immediately appeared before his formation, the one and the third of all the Stars he succeeded in corrupting. They were all like lost sheep waiting for his command. He will spend eternity regretting that he failed to win Zolon over.

Michialo the Arch Contender of Agan was waiting for him together with a second and second from each of the Legions.

They were ready. From their position, Michialo could see the Blue realm from a distance and for some reason, he felt a shiver....Fighting with his own Star brother is not his idea of an aeon well spent. Remembering what was at stake, Michialo buried his thoughts, just as he watched Agan and his Dark Horde (for that was their new name) appraoch. Remembering Shaddai's words, Michialo Sounded the Trumpet and the war cry..

For Shaddai! For the Truth! For Honor! For Order! For Light! Unto Victory! Charge!!!......

To be continued......

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


SPIRITUALITY AND LIFE: THE TRUE CUSTODIANS OF EARTH:                                                                THE TRUE CUSTODIANS God is leading us into something huge, Our Christian T...

Monday, May 4, 2020


                                                               THE TRUE CUSTODIANS
God is leading us into something huge, Our Christian Talk Show on Spiritual Dimensions is unfolding. We're loading..
The need to create a balance between spirituality, Health, Wellness, wholesomeness in all its ramifications, as a concept was giving to me when we were missionaries posted to Ogun State. We started work in Sango, Abeokuta, Ijebu Ode, Shagamu, Owode, and some other places.
As we moved around the Nation of Nigeria preaching the gospel, planting local assemblies, I saw humanity in different states and conditions. Some lost in religion and yet miserable, some who have completely surrendered to their plight, some fighting for a better life, some who have lost hope and were simply existing, some who just lived by following trends, some whose joy and happiness depended on others, wealth and other things.. Yet others who were so miserable in the midst of wealth. Some who would have paid anything to be healthy in their bodies, others to marry and have kids, others to make money..and so on.
Humanity created as Custodians, now living as slaves in the land they were meant to Control, subdue, Dominate, Rule..
Humanity begging for health, begging for wealth, begging for bread, begging for freedom... Masters turned slaves. Why? What Happened? Why the twist?
As a missionary I used my profession as a nurse to offer care to people in the places we went to. And I have done that for over two decades.
The more I did that, the more I noticed something. People received healings in ways that were non medical, because physical illness was just a small part of a bigger disease. I realized some people were sick in their bodies because they were suffering inside. Broken, battered, bitter spirits eventually led to diseases bodies.
I started digging into things and doing some research. And then one day, I received two words; Holistic Health. I went to a cyber cafe and typed in the two words. God alone knows how overwhelmed I was with the information I got.
That was, 2003. I began reading, praying and applying some of the things I was learning. And miracles happened.
Another thing God kept Talking about was that humanity is not a victim. We are simply products of unhealthy choices. Some we made by ourselves, others were forced on us.
Holistic Health has to do with everything. It had to do with us as humans, regaining wholesomeness in our lives and our planet. As custodians, we we created with a Mandate not only to be responsible for our individual health but to be responsible for the health of our planet as long as we are still living in it. 
We were created with the power and authority to harness our energies, intelligence and power to establish and create a healthy environment for all.
However, we had not only an Enemy, but an Arch Enemy. Together with his horde. Their goal, greatest pleasure is to see humanity loved by God suffer and humiliated. Beyond that, to prove to the Divine Creator that we are not qualified to be given the kind of privileges God has given us.
To accomplish their aim, man had to be lured to defy their Source, their God and their Creator. That was the only way to introduce wickedness,pain and suffering and the rule of lawlessness into God's beautiful creation.
And they succeeded. Coating Death with pleasure, Deceit with concern, folly with wisdom... Mankind fell for the bait thousands of years ago and are still falling for the same  bait today.
And here we are. We lost our balance. Nature and creation rebelling against it's own custodians.
But the Good News is that we have been redeemed. Darkness didn't know that embedded in creation was redemption. That came with healing, restoration, deliverance, freedom. Not only do we as humans have the ability to heal, we also have the power to heal the Earth and Nations as well. We are no longer slaves. We have been given the power to invoke healing upon ourselves and our planet.
And all who must be free from the throes of darkness must reconnect with their SOURCE: GOD.
SPIRITUAL DIMENSIONS is all about going beyond the obvious and taking personal responsibility over our lives outcome. Making healthy spiritual, emotional and physical choices that will help restore, revive and mend every broken and dead zones in our lives.
We are responsible and accountable to the DIVINE for the outcome of events in our individual lives and in our world.
One of our motive is to share what we've learned for the over close to three decades of walking in the Spiritual, analyzing and studying trends in both our personal lives in the lives of those we served. And also years of studying and following global events and seeing how the things happening in the global space is connected to other unseen realities affecting  lives, Nations and the fate of our planet. We've also learned to take them up to the creator and it is amazing how He has responded and sometimes drastically changed events.
Nations can also experience healing and restoration when intercessors and Watchers dig into the Spiritual Dimensions of the events unfolding and take the poise of Watchers.
With God, there are no mistakes, no confusions, no chaos no accidents. Because in the midst of seeming chaos, lies a pattern. If we look through God's lens, we will see the pattern. And it is always an amazing sight to behold.
When men stand as Custodians, Guardians and use their authority while under God's own authority, things begin to happen.
When we face tough times, difficult and grueling challenges, we need to pause, and connect with our creator. If there are obstacles, remove them. He is always more than ready to reach out. If we go in our own wisdom and strength. Seeking our own solutions, we soon discover the blatant Truth, that the best Human solution to humanity's problem is tinge with the seal of death.
You can see it from all the medications produced to treat diseases. All tinged with sometimes more deadly side effects.
Only God has the power to provide permanent, non toxic, non morbid solutions.
He is Alpha And Omega. Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent. Eventually all knowledge and power will bow to His.
We will delve into realities that are staring us in the face, but which we are afraid to look at.
We will see answers staring us in the face and decide to pay the price for our healing and health. We will help individuals take responsibility for their own well-being, that of their families and communities.
It is our responsibility as humans to fight everything that aims at affecting our well-being negatively. And resist evil with everything in us. And not surrender in defeat to anything or force that seeks to control us.
It is our responsibility to make healthy life style choices and changes.
Creating a healthy spiritual, emotional and physical environment while we are here in this temporary abode.
The presence and activities of evil is not an excuse for human complacency and irresponsibility.(JNN)

We are committed and passionate about helping individuals take a more proactive and responsible stance over their overall well-being and understanding the connections between the events in their lives and surrounding to other spiritual realities.
Hoping to hear from you soon!!