Monday, June 22, 2020


We've gotten to the point in human history when we need more than the theories you have loaded in your head to bring about change and the healing the world is craving for. You can be a holder of the highest certificate on the planet. If what you have in your head does not match what your life says, then you are fake.

The New Era in Christianity will not depend on Theological Certificates or the performance of strange miracles.( The department of witchcraft in the universities will soon be teaching people the practice of Witchcraft as an Art). What then will make the difference? 

The greatest miracle that ever took place in the universe is the Power to transform men from Sinners to Saints! 
The power to Uproot from the heart of man, the Virus Called Sin. 
The power to restore life to a heart that has gone cold by Death. 
The Power to give hope to the hopeless, Peace to be desperate, Life to the dead, Faith to the faithless. The Power to lead men, women, young and old, boys and girls, into the Presence of God! 

The place of Divine Revelation, Transformation, and Rebirth. 
The place where Humanity Merges with the Divine Supernatural! The place where as Human Beings, we rediscover our True Heritage! And rekindle in us, our Rightful Spiritual Heritage as Custodians. 
The place where we will once again reactivate our inherent power Power as Light Bearers in the Universe! 
The place where we reconnect With The True Lord of the Universe! And recommit ourselves to Fighting the Battle of Faith as Soldiers, Generals under the Leadership of The Captain of the Host of Heaven: Jesus Christ!! 

Those who will be spiritually relevant in these last days, are not men and women with big human Titles. But Men and Women Called, Trained by God in secret places, Anointed, appointed and Sent by God! They are bold! Courageous fearless! 
They have Sworn Allegiance to The Throne of God Master of the Universe! 
The Onmi Triune God! 
OnmiPotent! OmniScient! OmniPresent God! 

They are clad with the Heavenly Armor! 
They are matching on and the Gates of hell flee before them! Death has lost its Sting against them. For they live and walk in the Supernatural! 
They will rescue millions from the dungeons of Darkness! 
They will prepare the way for the Return of The Lord Jesus Christ! 

Christianity will no longer be a religion. It will be a way of life! God is doing a sieving! Separating the Spiritual Hirelings from His True Servants, Separating the chaff from the grains! 

Who are you? Who are you in the secret place where no one sees you? Who are you? What do you stand for? Which Kingdom are you representing? There are no middle grounds. 

No grey zones. As humans, no one else will decide for you. Your decisions should be such that you will bear the responsibility for the outcome. 

So choose wisely now. Who would you serve? And whose report would you believe? 


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