Monday, July 20, 2020


Are You Following The Global Paradigm Shifts In Human Sexuality? Are You Asking Questions As To What Exactly Is Going On? Do You Have Kids, Siblings, And Loved Ones Dealing With Inner Conflicts Surrounding Their Sexuality? Ever Wonder Why Gentle Loving Nice Kids Turns Out Queer, Gays Or Lesbians? Or Are You Just Indifferent Because It Has Not Reached Your Territory?


As we journeyed around Nigeria sharing the gospel in different parts of the country, I came across people who were dealing with all kinds of issues in their sexuality.  From issues with sexual identity to issues with orientation, abortion and a lot more.

A friend of mine once came to me on behalf of her own friend. It was the story of a young man who was struggling with homosexuality. As a child, he was sent to live with an “uncle” inorder to learn how to trade. At the age of sixteen, the “uncle” entered his room and offered him a deal have sex with the boy in exchange of a very good deal at the end of his service. To settle him well with good business capital so that he can also start off well. It was the beginning of regular nocturnal visits from the so called  “uncle.”

The young man later found out that, all the boys who passed through this rich nice uncle, had to go through the same process. Something that looks like Pederasty (which is simply a sexual mutually beneficial homosexual relationship between an adult man and an under aged boy).

This so called uncle took all the young men under his care through this ritual once they turned sixteen. After which he will keep his word and set them up properly in their own chosen businesses.

Eventually they grow up and in most cases, practice bisexuality while being married according to cultural norms. Fulfilling their “marital” responsibility while living out their second life in secret.

However, in the case of this young man, he wanted to stop. He was dealing with a mixture of hatred for himself and the man who introduced him into homosexuality. He wanted to marry and have kids. But he had conflicting feelings towards women. He was looking for help. He was bitter with God, hated himself, hated the old man and yet he loved the money that came with the twist.

How many like him got into homosexuality after child sexual abuse by male adults? Many young lesbian girls I met were introduced into lesbianism by adult females. I young girl abandoned her good job in one state ran to another in order to avoid some highly influential married lesbian women.

In one hospital in Lagos, a foreign organization once came up with an incentive and launched a campaign to investigating the actual number of homosexuals in the state. It was a “public health project” done undercover. But a friend of mine worked in the project. According to my friend, a shocking number of young people turned out to acknowledge their sexual orientation and claim the incentive. On one particular day as my friend sat waiting for the next person to enter, lo and behold! It was the gentle teenaged son of their neighbor. My friend had to act professional and show no recognition. But the shock was almost unbearable according to my friend.

In countries where laws on sexuality and sexual preferences have changed, couples discovered after years of marriage with kids, that their partners had been living out their double lives while fulfilling culturally imposed norms on them.

What exactly is going on! So many questions right?

I met people practicing aberrant sexual behaviors both in and outside religious circles. Some spoke to me tears, some were young men pursued by rich gay men with very tempting offers. Some gave in exchange of fame and fortune, while others held on to their own values.

It has been said that, a civilization or a society at the verge of collapse, destroys every restrain and license every form of aberration under the guise of freedom and emancipation.

Are there spiritual realities attached to these and many other conflicts surrounding human sexuality? What exactly is the connection between human sexuality and spirituality? As Custodians and spirit beings living in a body and possessing a soul, how do our sexual choices affect life on our planet?

What are the stakes?

Does freedom really mean the ability to make personal choices while completely disregarding spiritual consequences? Does accepting and globalizing sexual diversity under the guise of freedom really bring inner peace? Is there a way out? How should I relate with people of divergent sexuality? Does God really care about things like that?

In You, YOUR SEXUALITY AND GOD, we have looked at the issue surrounding diversity in human sexuality from an unbiased holistic perspective.

Get your own copy of this Ebook and find answers and holistic solutions to some sensitive but pressing issues surrounding the human sexual experience! You will find it's informative, inspirational and therapeutic approach refreshing and fulfilling!

To get a copy, make a payment of N 5,000/N 4,000 to First Bank of Nigeria for a 

Janice Atere
First bank of Nigeria

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