Monday, July 20, 2020


Start Your Journey Towards Fertility From A Victory Point. 

With The Knowing That When God Was Designing Your Body, He Loaded You With Procreative Powers!

With The Knowledge That Motherhood And Fatherhood Is Also Much More Than Just Become Biological Channels!

You Have All What It Takes To Overcome Infertility!

Growing up, most people were not told that the Journey Towards Fertility starts from birth. It starts from how we nurture and care for our babies from the day they were born.

Young men and women live their lives without any deliberate and conscious effort to protect their fertility until when they come to the realization that they want to become parents. We have not cultivated or encouraged the cultivation of the necessary practices that enhances and re-enforces our fertility health.

Most times we unknowingly expose ourselves to relationships, practices and factors that are detrimental to our core procreative abilities.

In over two decades of working as a missionary nurse, helping people with different health challenges I came to the realization that nothing is as it seems. People walk around the streets of the world carrying very heavy yokes. Women under the threats of divorce if they do not produce babies. Some are to produce male babies failure to which they will be kicked out from their homes as wives. Men and women who have lost their spouses because of the challenge of infertility. Women have cried on my shoulder while pouring out their frustrations. Some were  at the verge of suicide because of their challenge with infertility.


I went through mine for many years and came out victorious! You can choose to look at your life’s struggle and interpret them with the eyes of human sciences alone, or you can decide to delve deeper and look at things from a positive spiritual perspective. Connecting your life’s spirituality with your core spiritual self.

The GOOD NEWS is that in countless situations, I have seen God intervene in victory! That can be your own testimony as well! You can change your story today!


Order for your own copy of  YOUR JOURNEY TOWARDS FERTILITY, and delve into the deeper dimensions and a holistic solution to the mystery of procreation and the answer to infertility.

To get a copy, make a payment of a discounted price of 

N 3,500 N 2,500 to; 


Janice Atere

First bank of Nigeria

After that send proof of payment to +234 814 7133 303  on WhattsApp.

Alternatively, simply follow the link below, make payment and follow the lead to your download.        

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